This blog may have moved from the Bay Area to Ann Arbor, but we've been able to stay pretty well connected to our former lives.
So, for all of our San Francisco friends (and those random readers we happen to catch with a SF cab fare search), here's what you should be doing on Thursday, May 14: attending High Stakes for Habitat. This must-attend casino night benefits Habitat for Humanity Greater San Francisco and their efforts to build homes-- and hope-- in Marin, San Francisco and the Peninsula.
Grab your friends, put on your favorite cocktail attire, and head to the Great American Music Hall to sip a signature cocktail, sample tasty treats and dance the night away-- all while rolling the dice to support Habitat!
Tickets are $75 and include "charity chips" to start the gaming, beer, wine and signature cocktails and a great DJ and dance floor. You can buy tickets online and learn more about the event at www.highstakesforhabitat.org.