The first day of our cross-country road trip was supposed to include light cleaning of the apartment, a quick exchange of keys with our landlord and hitting in the road by 2 pm to make it to Barstow by bedtime.
Instead, it went something like this:
6:00 AM Wake up COLD on the deflating air mattress on our bedroom floor
6:30 AM Find myself with my head in the freezer, scrubbing frozen beer off the shelves and trying not to inhale too many cleaning fumes
9:30 AM Drop off last-minute prescriptions
9:50 AM Orthodontist appointment to remove my braces (yay!)
10:45 AM Rush back to apartment to scrub floors and clean toilets
1:00 PM Meet landlord and hold our breath for the walk-through; turn in keys
1:30 PM Take a deep breath because walk-through went fine
2:10 PM Return to orthodontist to have retainers fitted; find out retainers don't fit
3:00 PM Last-minute lunch at Zachary's
3:45 PM Pick up eyeglasses
4:20 PM Return to orthodontist to pick up retainers; find out again that retainers don't fit
4: 20 PM My husband runs all over Oakland for final errands
[Note (husband): Returned cable modem to Comcast near airport, picked up extra prescriptions, ran into Trader Joe's to use the restroom...]
5:45 PM Retainers finally fit! Cancel hotel reservations in Barstow; make reservations instead for Bakersfield
6:00 PM Have on-the-go conversation with my boss about consulting work; get stuck in traffic
7:30 PM Eat leftover pizza in a truck stop parking lot on I-5
11:30 PM Pull into hotel in Bakersfield; gag at the smell in the air (what WAS that??); gasp at the cost of a room at the Holiday Inn Express
Midnight SLEEP
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