We can't even blog when we tell everybody that we know to read our blog. How pathetic. I'm also disappointed that none of you called to make sure we were dead on the side of the road in Kentucky somewhere as our blog posts would lead you to believe.
We made it to Ann Arbor in one piece and became instantly overloaded with unpacking, familiarizing ourselves with the area, and starting work (or continuing work in TBH's case). It really does feel great to be here. I really do promise that we'll be sending out pictures of our place as soon as we're not embarrassed to show it to everyone.
As we expected, we are having a little bit of San Francisco withdrawal, but things really are going well so far. Just wanted to let you all know that we made it!
...and NO...Michiganders DO NOT talk like Sarah Palin. Blechhhhh.
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